I´m really annoying

Do friends exist?

Do friends exist? I see them in movies, books, in school but I've never seen one in my world. Don't get me wrong I have friends which I hang out with, but these are school friends. For me they're the only friends I got but they have they best friends besides their school friends. I'm not really close with any of them. That isn't a problem when we're together, it is a problem when I feel lonely or when something bad has happened. I can't call them or tell them to come to my house so i can feel better. I can't cry in front of them, I just feel like I would be a bother and that they won't know what to do to comfort me because they don't know me. People say that you can expect someone to call you , you need to call too. But I'm afraid they think I'm boring and annoying. That they just see me as someone they hang out with, and that's why I don't call them and just hope they open themselves to me. I've heard that all humans feel lonely and that that loneliness can't be filled. But I just want someone whom I can just hug for hours, someone with whom I can be quiet for hours and they won't think "god so boring". Someone who understands that I can't make them laugh 24/7 or hold really interesting conversations all the time. I promise I'll be a good friend too, I promise I'll cherish this person until I die. I promise. I just need to find that person. I'm afraid I'll end up alone without a boyfriend or friends. I don't want to feel like this forever
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