I can´t get more angry
Everyday I wake up so fucking pissed off, it isn´t normal. I´m sleeping so comfortably and then suddenly I hear someone calling me "anonymous-blogger" "anonymous-blogger!" "anonymous-blogger!!!!" "ANONYMOUS-FUCKING-BLOGGER WAKE UP". Yes my father is my alarm that wakes me up so gently. So I wake up really angry and pissed and prepared to kill anybody who annoys me with my cleaning utensils. And then I see that the whole house is dirty as fuck and I get even more pissed. Like I know that m dear parents work from really early until night, but still, c´mon help me a bit. Just a bit. Make my life easier. And then my siblings start arguing so I just return to my bed and hope I can sleep until winter break it´s over. Wake me up, when the break is over.